Mike’s Mind: The First Tragedy, I Didn’t Sign Up for This – Episode 31.5

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Mike shares the first tragedy, about the tragic death of his employee, Billy, who died from performing the duties of his job. Mike tells the events of that tragic day as they unfolded, how he felt beside the casket wishing Billy was still here, and his struggle with unanswered questions.

This tragic loss of life, is something that an entrepreneur might not think about too often, but after an experience like this, it’s hard not replay it in your mind. It will impact your decision making, and hopefully help you become a stronger leader, and not miss an opportunity tell your employees how grateful you are for their help.

Read the original blog post here “The First Tragedy, I Didn’t Sign Up for This.”

From the original story:

I’ve been told that people like finality in things. I know I do. There was no finality to Billy’s death, to exactly what happened, unless you created something on your own. My finality was that I’d put him in a situation that caused him to crash – and die. It would be natural – and understandable – for his family to hold me responsible too, I thought. I might a little, or maybe more than a little, if I were them.

I hadn’t signed up for this. No one had. But I was in charge. This happened on my watch. It was the first tragedy.

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Special thanks to Hammerstone Marketing for website design, podcast production, and blog collaboration.

Picture of Mike Malatesta

Mike Malatesta

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I help entrepreneurs get unstuck, take back their power, achieve their life objectives, and create the futures they want.

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